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Slow Cooker Smoky Bakeed Beans **

Slow Cooker Smoky Baked Beans

  • Cooking Time:

    3-4 hours
  • Servings:



2 c. white beans
3 T. ketchup
2 T. brown sugar
2 tsp. smoked paprika
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
2 tsp. vegetable chicken soup base
2 cloves chopped garlic
1 bay leaf
1 carrot chopped
1 celery stalk chopped
1 onion chopped
14 oz. can diced tomatoes

Todays recipe was shared with us by Lorie P. Thanks Lorie for sharing, and with the summer months ahead Slow Cooker Smoky Baked Beans will be a great healthy recipe for all those BBQ’s!

  1. Soak the white beans for 2 hours.
  2. Spray slow cooker with cooking spray.
  3. Add all ingredients in the slow cooker and cook on High for 3-4 hours.

Note: If needed add 3 T. of water the last hour!

Happy Crocking!

Provided by Lorie P. via Facebook

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10 years ago

Thank you so much for this recipe. I am deathly allergic to mustard and cant wait to try these.

Mike D.
Mike D.
9 years ago

I have to admit that I am a little confused. The picture shows what looks like Boston Style baked beans but my results are nothing like that.
That said I do like the taste and will be trying it on some guests at tomorrow’s cookout. I will let you know if they are a hit.

Charlotte V
Charlotte V
9 years ago

The ingredients for the Smoky Baked Beans calls for,
1 celery stock chopped
I’m pretty sure it should be “stalk” rather than “stock”!!!

5 years ago

What is vegetable soup base? I looked it up online and Better Than Bouillon came up. Is that what I should use for this?

Meet Jenn Bare

Jenn is the founder of GetCrocked, the #1 resource for slow cooking with over 1.5 million online followers. She innovates recipes daily with her favorite tool in the kitchen, the Crock-Pot® slow cooker.

She innovates recipes daily...

Jenn Bare is a Mom, Chef & the Crock-Pot® Girl. She hosts a weekly "Mom Monday" segment on ABC-15 in Phoenix.

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