Slow Cooker Cheesy Spinach Crab Dip is just one more dip you MUST MAKE! It is YUMMY! Thaw spinach and…
Slow Cooker Smothered Brisket is great to serve to family and guests! Delicious and so easy to make! Rub the…
Beef Stew is one of those comfort meals, and since Slow Cooker All Day Beef Stew is so quick and…
I love something a little sweet for breakfast and although this is sweet, it's also hearty and filling - a…
Looking for an EASY recipe, here you go! Renee S. C. shared her Slow Cooker Pork and Tomato Sauce recipe!…
Laurie K. shared her favorite Slow Cooker Chili recipe. She says it's her quick and easy Chili to put together.…
Chicken Fajitas are a favorite of many crockers, so I would like to thank Carrie M. E. for her recipe…
Sharing recipes from Facebook Friends is truly the greatest! This recipe was shared by Mat M., Slow Cooker Pork and…
Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Pizza Loaf is a recipe you can make as hot as you want or as mild…
Slow Cooker All Day Beef Casserole can be put on before you leave for work, and your meal is ready…