Home > Halloween

Slow Cooker Pumpkin Latte 1
Slow Cooker Pumpkin Latte 1 can be doubled and tripled for a larger group of people, you will just need to adjust the ...

Banana Ghosts & Pumpkin Oranges
I've been amazed at all the creative treats that pop up from time to time on Pinterest. One that caught my interest were Banana ...

Slow Cooker Chocolate Nut Clusters
Put all ingredients in slow cooker; cook 1 hour on high. Do not stir. Turn slow cooker to Low and stir every 15 ...

Slow Cooker Chocolate Marshmallow Lollipops
As a special treat for the kiddos, Slow Cooker Chocolate Marshmallow Lollipops are not only good they are also fun to make! Place ...

Slow Cooker Apple Brandy
For your next holiday or get together, whip up some Slow Cooker Apple Brandy and your will have all your guests raving over ...

Slow Cooker Apple Cider Spiced Punch
Slow Cooker Apple Cider Spiced Punch is delicious, and turns ordinary apple cider into a spiced delight! Tie whole spices in cheesecloth or ...

Meet Jenn Bare
Jenn is the founder of GetCrocked, the #1 resource for slow cooking with over 1.5 million online followers. She innovates recipes daily with her favorite tool in the kitchen, the Crock-Pot® slow cooker.
She innovates recipes daily...
Jenn Bare is a Mom, Chef & the Crock-Pot® Girl. She hosts a weekly "Mom Monday" segment on ABC-15 in Phoenix.