Great soup recipe for Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup! Combine broth, water, peas, celery, carrot, onion, thyme, red pepper and…
Great to make Slow Cooker Cranberry Sauce the night before, to have it done and ready for the BIG Turkey…
So Easy, So Delicious, and a favorite for the entire family! You'll find Slow Cooker Cilantro Lime Chicken will be…
Slow Cooker Lemon Garlic Chicken is a favorite at our house, and you will find this healthy dish is full…
Slow Cooker Creamy Spinach & Artichoke DipĀ is very rich and much more tasty than the spinach artichoke dip at most…
Slow Cooker Stuffed Pork Chops is a recipe I make for guests! You can serve with baked potatoes and a…
Slow Cooker Cowboy Casserole is not only EASY it is also budget friendly and kid friendly! Brown ground beef and…
Yes there are so many ways to crock a beef roast, but you will not be sorry when you make…
What's better than home made Salsa to serve to your guests! Love this Slow Cooker Salsa! Place onions in the…
Fudge is perfect for the slow cooker, because it doesn't scorch or burn. Slow Cooker Fudge is very rich and…