Tag: Dijon mustard
Home > Dijon mustard

Slow Cooker Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken
Slow Cooker Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken is a recipe shared by Facebook friend Sarah N. Sarah says it is one of her family favorites! ...

Slow Cooker Dijon Mustard Brussels Sprouts
For all Brussels Sprouts lovers, you must make Slow Cooker Dijon Mustard Brussels Sprouts! Trim and wash sprouts. Cut in half. Place sprouts ...

Meet Jenn Bare
Jenn is the founder of GetCrocked, the #1 resource for slow cooking with over 1.5 million online followers. She innovates recipes daily with her favorite tool in the kitchen, the Crock-Pot® slow cooker.
She innovates recipes daily...
Jenn Bare is a Mom, Chef & the Crock-Pot® Girl. She hosts a weekly "Mom Monday" segment on ABC-15 in Phoenix.